The Impacts Of Bushfires

Bushfires have impacted hugely on the:


Bushfires have a great effect on the enviornment. It destroys the habitat of many animals, often killing them in the process. Bushfires burn through the vast number of flora, for some it would take years and years to regenerate. Bushfires can also affect the quality of a nearby stream of water and the composition of the soil too. However there is a positive side of things, bushfires help stimulate new growth which would also help the animals as well. Bushfires can be considered as a natural part of Australia's ecosystem.


Bushfires not only burn through trees, plants, bushes etc. It can also burn through houses, cars and even small towns. Damage done can be costly, as repairs would well be in the millions. The Black Saturday Bushfires costs over a whooping $1 000 000 000 in terms of damage, showing just how much damage a bushfire can cause in terms of the economy.

        Image courtesy of ATR

       Images courtesy of ABC News


For the unlucky people who happened to get in the midst of this natural hazard, they could lose from their home, their belongings or even one of their own. Bushfires have been known to have human casualties, as well as burning through everything they meet and these include houses. This could put them in a state of mental injury as well as a financial one as the loss of things such as those would impact greatly on the person.

     Image courtesty of EBR

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